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Hi There,

Peak Performance Running here, welcome!

Have you ever thought you'd like to go a little quicker in your run pace? Stay injury-free? Felt a full-time coach was unnecessary, but some direction would be great?

Well, Peak Performance Running can answer all those questions and more! Our running program provides runners with direction, guidance, support, team environment, a club with like-minded, driven and focused individuals looking to have fun and achieve their goals.

We want to use our program to change your relationship with running.

At PPR, our motto is "Live on the Up". And what does that mean to us? This means always moving forward, and always one run better than the next!

P eak to your highest potential
P erform at your best
R unning is what we love.​



Let's talk about what it takes to be a runner and let's be honest runners don’t just run, they train. We take care of ourselves, our nutritional needs, our injuries and, most importantly, we’re always looking to the next gadget or shoe to make us that little bit faster or better on the next run.

But as experienced runners, we know not everyone knows how to achieve their peak performance most efficiently and safely. So to combat this, Capital Peak Performance created a running program! This is a unique opportunity for you, as an athlete, to have a supportive running network from a panel of athletes and professionals to guide you as a runner.

Our experienced panel has over 100 years of professional and sporting experience, consisting of coaches, trail runners, road runners, exercise physiologists, a nutritionist, a podiatrist, physicals therapists, and technology experts! Through our panel, we will take running to another level with a community of like-minded runners and athletes. well provide you with the one-stop-shop for running.

Our coaches will continue to modify specific training packages targeted to specific events. But let's explain that a little more. 

Our running coaches can provide 6-10 week training packages catered to an event. As a club, we’ll target together, and you'll have the opportunity to purchase one of our discounted plans. These include a "start-up to 5km" plan, "The Park Runner" plan and "The halfy" plan. 

Our panellist of professionals will provide you with weekly advice about how to achieve our club goals through video, blogs and more!

Wanna see us look good on the socials? AND we’ll be handing out prizes to our club members that like and tag our media every month, so make sure you head to our Instagram page and catch us in all the action!



ONLINE COACHING                   TEAM

Phillip Corlis

Phil Corlis

Online Coach


Scott Mctaggart

Online Coach


Wayne Corlis



Run your best with the support of our panel and a community of runners.


Wayne Corlis

Distance Runner

Wayne brings his experience as a distance runner, multisport athlete, and Soft Tissue Therapist with blogs, daily updates and social news.

"if you don't live for something you'll die for nothing"


Sam Burridge

Trail Runner

Sam will keep our members up-to-date with news about trail running tips and techniques to tackle the trails. He's also one of our coaches and will provide us with coaching tips along the way.

"No boundaries just you and the trail"


Alicia Edge


Alicia and the Compeat team will head our Nutritional needs and provide us with weekly advice and skills about how to maintain our nutritional demands

"A goal without a plan is just a wish"


Brad White

Distance Runner, BW Coaching, Podiatrist

Brad has been a distance runner for over 25 years and has experience in competitive trail, professional, road, and mountain running. He will draw on these experiences and use them in his coaching programs and podiatry needs.

"Running is not about being better than someone else; it’s about being better than you used to be."

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Brendan Egan

Distance Runner , Trails

Brendan will keep us to with the latest coaching session in and around Canberra

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible"


Phil Corlis

Level 2 Running Coach

Phil is our online coach. He'll be looking after our needs and advise our members about running biomechanics, Trail running, and getting on your way to a customised program.

"The question isnt CAN YOU? its WILL YOU?"


Scott Imhoff

Distance Runner, Results and Events Coordinator

Scott has well over 25 years of running experience and knowledge. In addition to providing advice from his own experiences, he will also keep us up to date on current events around Canberra and the world. 

"It's not about perfect, it's about effort"

As a member of our Peak Performance Running team, here's what you get:

Community of Athletes

  1. Like-minded runners with similar goals.

  2. Training meetups.

  3. Organised events.

  4. Motivated and Goal orientated running group

Facebook Group

  1. training and nutritional tips.

  2. A private community of like-minded athletes.

  3. One spot to get all your running information.

  4. Expert advice from experienced runners.

Weekly Content

  1. Weekly content advise on training ideas.

  2. A panel of advisers to give you support.

  3. Daily running updates.

  4. Regular updates

  5. Friendly support 

  6. A social network on Instagram and Facebook


  1. Support based running club.

  2. A monthly $10 voucher for Capital Peak Performance

  3. Peak Performance apparel race kit for discounted price ($70) 


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logo-therunnersshop-cmyksmall.jpg  |  Ph: 0493 292 944  |  (02) 6156 9446  |  Facebook  |  3B/39 Brierly St Weston Creek, Ground Floor

We accept cash, EFTPOS, VISA, and MasterCard. We also have HICAPS, which means if you bring your private health fund card, we can process your rebate on the spot, and you will only need to pay the gap.​

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